Frequently Asked Questions

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Posting Editor Questions

I need help now! I don't have time to post my animal. What can I do?
We can often get you immediate help, but you need to post first. Here's what happens... Within 2 hours of posting, Rescue Me! will contact hundreds of people who may be interested in your animal. It is not uncommon for an animal to be adopted within hours of posting. Take a few minutes to post. It really works!

How can I get help with the options available in each tab of this editor?
Within each tab, click Show Help at the bottom right of each window for helpful tips. These tips change as you go from one tab to another, be sure to read all of them. Click Hide Help to hide the tips and make the editing window larger.

What should I do when I am done using the posting editor?
Click Exit in the upper right to return to the page you logged in from. This will leave you logged in so you can enter the editor anytime from the same computer without having to re-enter your password. If using a shared computer and don't want someone else to be able to log in, or if you need to log into a different account, click Log Out in the upper right before hitting Exit.

I know an animal in urgent need which someone else has. Can I post it for them?
Absolutely! When the editor asks who should be contacted, select Someone else has this animal. You will then be prompted for their contact information. You can enter information for an individual or a shelter. If entering for a shelter or group, and if contact information has previously been entered for that shelter, its name may pop up in a list to the left of the contact information box. Simply click on the shelter name so you do not have to re-enter contact information.

The dog breed I am trying to post isn't in the list, what should I do?
Select the breed or breeds that it looks closest to, and list it in those categories. Then, in the description, write that it is a "Purebred ________". Each breed is setup as a separate rescue within Rescue Me!, which is why we have so much success. We promote each posted animal to hundreds of people looking to adopt that breed. But for uncommon breeds, few if any people would see them if they had their own category. By listing in the category of a similar dog breed, you will get lots of exposure and someone considering that other breed will likely be intrigued to adopt your unique purebred.

We have lots of animals posted, how can I search by animal name or our own ID number?
In Windows browsers, click Ctrl-F while in the "My Posts" tab, and on Macs click ⌘-F. This will open a find box you can use to quickly search the page.

Why doesn't the browser's back button work properly in the editor?
Never hit the browser back button when using the posting editor. Web browsers may get confused if you do this because of several different "mini" web pages run at once within our editor. Always click Exit in the upper right when done using the editor.

Should I put our email address or a link to our website in the written description about an animal?
Never put your email address in the description box. This may lead to spam from robots which search the Internet harvesting emails. Instead, put your email into the Email Address fields under your My Settings tab, or when posting for someone else, in the email field for that contact. We never publish email addresses; instead emails are automatically forwarded to you. Only if you choose to respond at that point will someone see your email, all without risk of you getting more spam. As for website links, a link to an organization's site will appear at the top of its custom RescueMe.Org page, if you have one.